Air Purifier News

Air Purifier News

Benefits Of Using An Olansi Negative Ion Air Purifier With Humidifier With UV Lamp For Your Home And Office

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professiona air purifier manufacturer producing negative ion air purifier,active carbon air purifier,hepa air purifier,antibacterial air purifier and so on.

air purifier

air purifier

There are many benefits of using an olansi negative ion air purifier with humidifier with UV lamp for your home and office.

Olansi air purifiers have become a very popular addition to many modern homes, and there is little surprise why. These items are often very reasonably priced and come in a range of different and attractive designs, not to mentioned that they have many purported advantages.

One of the first benefits of an olansi air purifier is that this can help remove allergens from the air, which is why many people choose to use this kind of product during spring and summer. Allergens such as pollen can get into the home at this time of year, which can exacerbate the suffering of people with seasonal allergies.

Furthermore, those with dust or mould allergies can also find these products helpful, as an air purifier will also help reduce the levels of these allergens in the home too. The reason for this is that a purifier will draw in the air and filter out all these potentially harmful contaminants, making the air far easier to breathe within the home.

Next you will notice that these air purifiers are easily transported, therefore you can use them at home or at work. They are small and compact, this means you can even take yours to work with you each day and then bring it home to work in your bedroom at night. They are very lightweight and therefore easy to move from one room to the next. They can also cover a fair-sized room with ease, which means you can always enjoy peace of mind that you are breathing the cleanest possible air at all times.

The air purifiers usually come with a HEPA filter. HEPA stands for high-efficiency particular air and this can remove up to ninety-nine percent of dust particles from the air at any given time, ensuring that you always have the freshest air you can breathe at home and work each and every day.

These air purifiers are perfect for anyone suffering from air-borne allergies or suffer from respiratory conditions such as asthma. Asthmatics can suffer from dust in a room, with the purifier being able to remove a high volume of the dust particles from the room, which reduces the risk of an unwelcome asthma attack. For those who suffer from allergies, such as a pollen allergy, the purifier provides clean air to breathe, which reduces the risk of a flare up when you least expect it.

These devices are also known to remove odors from the air. In the home if you have pets, then you may find that from time to time your home gets a pet smell. This can be reduced and even eliminated if you use air purifiers regularly. The filter will remove the pollutants and the smells and give you a fresh smell you can enjoy day after day.

Further, you will also find that these devices are affordable. So many people are under the impression that an air purifier is an expensive item, but the fact is that you can buy smaller versions, which are so easy to transport and they will definitely not break the bank. In fact, you will be able to easily buy one for each room with confidence and ease.

The good news is that air purifiers are very easy to keep up and if you buy from a reputable supplier, then you will be given easy to follow instructions to ensure that your air purifier works at it’s best at all times, always putting your health and comfort first.

The last benefit, is that you can buy these items with colour changing LED lights. While this may seem like just a fun extra, the lights are actually carefully selected to give you a relaxing atmosphere in the home or office at all times.

air purifier

air purifier

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier,air purifier with humidifier,room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438




Buy best indoor air purifier with humidifier from shenzhen and foshan china healthy your breathing

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professiona air purifier manufacturer producing negative ion air purifier,active carbon air purifier,hepa air purifier,antibacterial air purifier and so on.

Buy a best indoor air purifier with humidifier from olansi china is ok to healthy your breathing.

air purifier

air purifier

Improving the overall indoor air quality of your home or business continues to be a topic at the water cooler. The kids are always sneezing, the house always seems so dusty, why does our office always smell so bad? Why are my hands so rough? Sound familiar?

Over the past few months, there has been too much discussion on the rising levels of air pollution. Several studies have confirmed that air pollution is on the rise and it’s time to take a serious action towards it. And it shouldn’t come as a surprise that outdoor air pollution affects our homes by bringing in a plethora of harmful viruses, bacteria, allergens and other dangerous pollutants that are hard to be noticed by naked eyes.

Even if you keep the doors and windows closed, natural ventilation tends to bring in allergens and small dust particles under 2.5 micrometers, to be exact. Though it may not produce immediate effects, breathing the contaminated air can cause various health problems such as chest congestion, blocked nose, rhinitis, and eye irritation. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to maintain clear air in your home to ensure better health for the inhabitants.

According to various reports, it has been found that the levels of Indoor Air Pollution (IAP) can exceed tolerable limits for fine particles 100 times. It was also revealed that women and young children are more prone to harmful effects. The reason behind is they spend most of their time carrying out the domestic job. According to WHO, 4.3 million people in a year succumb to death from the exposure to indoor air pollution. Young children and older adults tend to have a weaker immune system; hence they are more vulnerable to conditions such as asthma, heart disease and lung disease.

Some general effects of getting exposed to indoor air pollutants are:

Short Term
• Blocked nose and eye irritation
• Chest congestion
• Hypersensitivity and allergies
• Rhinitis
• Bronchitis

Long Term
• Long term effects have a much longer impact lasting for years or an entire lifetime
• Heart disease
• Respiratory disease
• Damage to nerves, brain, kidneys and liver

Some common pollutants in this category include:
• Pollens from plants;
• Viruses, which are spread by people and animals;
• Mould;
• Bacteria, which are carried by people, animals, and soil and plant debris;
• Household pets, which are sources of saliva and animal dander (skin flakes);
• Droppings and body parts from cockroaches, rodents and other pests or insects;
• Viruses and bacteria;
• The protein in urine from rats and mice is a potent allergen. When it dries, it can become airborne;
• Contaminated central air handling systems can become breeding grounds for mold, mildew and other sources of biological contaminants and can then distribute these contaminants through the home

In order to combat indoor air pollution, air purifiers are truly the best available solution. These electronic devices work silently and let you breathe clean and fresh air in your home.

Olansi air purifier has 7-stage filtration process for better air cleaning. Olansi air purifying technology decomposes and removes bacteria, viruses, odours, allergens, adjuvants, formaldehyde, mould spores and other undesirable airborne components. Know more about price and specificatio,please visit


Six Facts About Getting Healthy Air Shows Why You Need A Olansi Negative Ion Air Purifier

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional air purifier supplier which contains negative ion air purifier,air purifier with hepa filter,air purifier with humidifier,uv air purifier,home air purifier and so on.

air purifier

air purifier

The most common misconception about air cleaning is the belief it is a single task that once done is finished until another day. Air cleaning is not like vacuuming the floor, washing the dishes or the clothes. Using an air purifier for a few hours doesn’t finish the job of air cleaning.

The reason is simple. Indoor air is in a constant state of change. Particles, gases and microorganisms are constantly introduced by such things as foot traffic, coughing and sneezing, normal shedding of skin (dander) by humans as well as pets, your central heating and air system and other activities.

Six Facts About Getting Healthy Air

Most likely you want specific health benefits like allergy or asthma relief. What do you need to know to make certain your air purifier delivers those health benefits? Consider the following six issues:

  • Your personal sensitivity
  • Dilution of pollutants
  • Dispersion of pollutants
  • Reintroduction of pollutants
  • Air changes per hour (ACH)
  • Efficiency level of your air purifier

How Do These Points Relate To Your Air Cleaning Effort?

Each person has their owntipping point.Personal health and environmental factors make this a moving target. Certain allergens may provoke a reaction today but not tomorrow. It depends upon your total load of irritants and physical stresses.

The goal of air cleaning is to progressively dilute contaminants with clean air, keeping them below the threshold at which you react.

Why do I talk about dilution of contaminants and not total elimination? Because particles and gases do not stand still for an air purifier to capture them one by one. Normal particle motion disperses them equally throughout your room air.

This means clean air exiting your air purifier is almost immediately recontaminated by the untreated air. You can’t hold clean air on one side of the room while cleaning the air on the other side.
This is why your air purifier should run continuously. Constant treatment reduces pollutants and keeps them at a low level.

Countering air cleaning is the reintroduction of new pollutants. Reintroduction is like a leak in a boat. In time the boat sinks. Your air quality will sink also if you don’t stay ahead of the reintroduction rate for new pollutants.

Just as the boat needs steady bailing to stay afloat your room air needs continuous cleaning to stay healthy.
This is where ACH, or air changes per hour, comes into play. ACH indicates how fast you can bail your room air of contaminants.

ACH is determined by dividing the cubic feet of cleaned air your air purifier can deliver in one hour by the cubic feet of the room. Say your room is 12 x 15 with an eight foot ceiling. That’s 1440 cubic feet (12 x 15 x 8). Say your air purifier is rated to deliver as much as 165 cubic feet per minute (165 CFM) or 9900 cubic feet over an hour. Dividing 9900 by 1440 reveals your air purifier can deliver 6.8 air changes per hour in this room.

That air purifier would be an excellent choice for that room. Most experts agree that 6 ACH is needed for those with severe respiratory problems. At least 4 ACH is recommended for typical allergy relief. In any case, never less than 2 ACH for any benefit at all and then only with the most efficient air purifier.

Which brings us to the issue of efficiency. Not all the air passing through an air purifier may be cleaned. Some may bypass the filter or the machine simply can’t remove 100% of the particles passing through.

The lower the total system efficiency the more times the air needs to pass through the air purifier to achieve the same cleaning result as a higher efficiency unit. This is why I recommend using only air cleaners with proven high system efficiency. It does the job effectively with fewer ACH and thus lower fan speeds and less noise.

Putting It All Together

So, how long does an olansi air purifier need to clean a room? Initially and with a good ACH of 4 to 6, about an hour or so to reach a point yielding good allergy relief. Of course, give your body more time to relieve itself of its allergen load. Just remember that you never really finish the job of air cleaning. You should run your air purifier continuously to maintain the healthiest possible air.

I also recommend you use the most effective and efficient air purifiers you can. One excellent resources that stringently test and prove the value of any air cleaner they offer are This site also offer good educational information about air cleaning and allergy control.

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier,air purifier with humidifier,room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438



Olansi Good Air Purifier With Antibacterial Filter With UV Light Is Good For Mold & Your Mitochondria

Olansi Healthcare is a professional air purifier manufacturer producing negative ion air purifier,UV air purfier,home air purifier,desktop air purifier,air purifier for mold and so on.

Olansi good air purifier with antibacterial filter with UV light is good for mold & your mitochondria.

air purifier

air purifier

Nearly every home and office has some degree of indoor air pollution. Poor indoor air quality is widespread enough for the EPA to put out a statement recently placing poor indoor air quality in the top five major health threats we face today. That’s huge. More specifically, most homes and offices have mold and mold spores as part of the mix of pollutants. Mold is not only a very strong carcinogen, but along with increased allergy and asthma symptoms, the mycotoxins produced by mold spores cause a variety of health problems when mold spores are inhaled. And recently, many of those health problems are being found to be connected to how these mycotoxins damage the mitochondria in all of our cells. This makes getting rid of mold and filtering the air of primary importance if your goal is optimal health for yourself and your family.

Why do we have mold in so many homes and offices? It’s primarily the result of two things: excess moisture and indoor air conditioners. Mold spores are literally everywhere. And when an air conditioner has a coil that cools by condensing and evaporating water from a coil the blowing air across it, mold spores easily find the moisture they need to reproduce, along with other organic material (dust and other things) that settle on the coil and create a great environment for mold (and bacterial) growth. Then, every time the AC turns on, it blows some of the mold spores out into the ducts polluting them, and out into the rooms of your home or office, polluting the air you breathe every day.

And that’s just the effect of an air conditioning system polluting the air. If you have any weather damage or other water damage in the home or building, mold will set up and grow there, as well, allowing mold spores to become airborne. And no, even the best AC filters aren’t enough to stop mold sporesmost of them are too small and pass right through, and some debris stuck to the inside of the ducts blows out of the vents and you breathe that before it can be recirculated back through the AC to have the filter remove some of it. Anda UV light will help kill airborne bacteria and mold, but doesn’t trap anything, leaving the tiny particles in the air to cause reactions.

This is why it is vital to actually filter the air in your home and office with one or more portable air purifiers in the rooms where you spend time, ideally. Portable air purifiers are better because they will grab what’s in the air in your room or office before you can breathe those pollutants. This prevents the mold spores from settling on our skin and prevents them from being inhaled. preventing a variety of health problemsand mitochondrial damage. If you want some really good information on mold and how bad the problem really is, check out Dave Asprey’s documentary on YouTube called Moldy. And for some very in-depth and usable information on how mold and other things affect our mitochondria, check out his groundbreaking new book ‘HeadStrong’. It is an incredible book on the subject of mitochondria.

Bottom line for preventing mold and the health issues it causes is to 1) make sure to fix any leaks or other sources of excess moisture in the home or building, keeping the indoor humidity at 35-45% maximum. Any higher than that is enough to feed mold and bacterial growth. 2) be sure to filter the air in your home or office with a quality portable air cleaner with medical HEPA and quality activated carbon. This will remove the majority of any airborne mold spores, dust mites, chemicals, and other pollutants we don’t need to breathe.

As always, we hope this information helps you and those you love live a healthier, happier life.

So we suggest peopel can put one of Olansi air purifier in home,to purifier the mold & your mitochondria.

air purifier

air purifier

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier,air purifier with humidifier,room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438


Buy Best Olansi Negative Ion Air Purifier With Humidifier With Hepa Filter For Allergies

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional negative ion air purifier manufacturer.

I’ll tell you something about the appearance, function and the specification of Olansi air purifier for you.

Olansi Air purifier

Olansi Air purifier

This kind of air purifier is smaller than the last one. The 650mm height make it looks like awell-behavedkid. The fan is set at the top, and the power switch and the Wi-Fi indicator are set on one side. In order to reduce the amount of the button, the power switch is the wind speed switch as well, and you can switch to automatic mode, sleep mode and favorite mode arbitrary. After reading the description, you can set the usage area and adjust the efficiency of purification and save the database through App. The back of the air purifier is a dust sensor which can monitor the concentration of particulate matter such as PM2.5 in the air. On the bottom of the air purifier is equipped with an air quality indicator. The red, orange and green colors can show indoor air quality in real-time.

olansi air purifier

olansi air purifier

Home is an eternal place for all and it needs to be kept in a legitimate manner and clean to be safe from all the diseases. People do a lot of things to keep their homes clean. But have you ever thought that apart from keeping your home clean you also need to keep your environment clean too? This would mean that the air we breathe in should be clean enough to be safe from any kind of health issues. Now the question arises as to how do we keep our air clean. I mean it cannot be a simple task to do so, would it? Well, the answer is yes, you can keep your air clean with an air purifier. Let us understand this in detail.

Need for an Air Purifier

There are many kinds of home air purifiers that can be installed. They help in keeping the environment clean. In case if you are allergic to certain things and the smell of a few foods makes you allergic, then there are some of the best air purifiers that can help you. All you need to do is find the right one that suits you and your surroundings. Now is the time to research on some of that can help you keep your homes clean. They are not just limited to homes and can be used in many other places such as offices, cars, and many other places.

What does it do?

Negative Ion Air purifiers help to remove the contamination present in the air and make it clean for fresh breathing. They are usually sold for the benefit of allergic and asthmatic patients. It helps them to stop struggling for fresh air. Since air is the most important element required for living, it should be available and that too freshly as well. It also helps in reducing the smoke and tobacco smell from the air. With the many pollutants now being present in abundance in the environment, it has become difficult to breathe a sigh of fresh air. But such air purifiers help in doing so with much ease.

How do they work?

Air filters are installed in these air purifiers which filter the air and stops dust, chemicals, pollen, smoke, asbestos, and a few more elements which are not good for the general breathing. However, you should understand the need and then find the right and the best air cleaners. Air purifiers come in various sizes and it is very important for you to install the one that can filter the entire room. It comes in sizes as per the rooms. They should have a high-quality HEPA filter to get all the allergens out. A pre-filter will ensure that all such allergens get filtered in the first stage and the remaining ones that escape the pre-filter get caught in the main filter section.

Air cleaners are used in different environments and should be chosen as per the requirement. A misfit will not help you to purify the air as per the requirements. There are many air purifiers that come with a dehumidifier as well. A dehumidifier helps the air to capture the moisture and reduces the humidity in the air which contains a lot of microbes and mold that can be bad for the allergic patients.

All about air purifiers

A home air sterilizer is not much in demand in the regular homes. It needs to be understood that air is an essential need and should be clean in all aspects to be safe from any diseases. These days the air purifier’s work wonders in most of the places. They are now being used majorly for commercial purposes to give the hospitality feel at hotels and other service related destinations. With such exposure air purifiers, have become more common for use and are being bought by the commoners for their home usage.

What to look for?

There are many marketing ads that show the air cleaners to clean the air by 99 percent which is a complete lie. No air cleanser is that efficient enough to clean the air so precisely. This is nothing but the power of the HEPA filter papers that can clean the air but to an average of 80 percent. In some cases, they can be at 90 percent too but can be expensive. There are no documented proofs available that confirm the air to be as clean as the companies state it to be. However, it will surely give you a relief from what you inhale on a regular basis. This can be determined by the patients who suffer from asthma and other allergies.

So, go ahead and find the right olansi air purifier with humidifier for you and get in installed for a clean air and environment in your surroundings.

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier, hot sale air purifier, room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438


China Best Air Purifier Buying Guide Tell You How To Choose The Best Air Purifier For Dust Removal

Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare is a professional home, room, portable, desktop air purifier, hydrogen water bottle, machine, water maker manufacturer from China.

air purifier

air purifier

Olansi is one of the top 10 best selling air purifier in china.An air purifier or air cleaner is a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. The commercially graded air purifiers are manufactured as either small stand-alone units or larger units that can be affixed to an air handler unit (AHU) or to an HVAC unit found in the medical, industrial, and commercial industries. Air purifiers may also be used in industry to remove impurities such as CO2 from air before processing. Pressure swing adsorbers or other adsorption techniques are typically used for this.

But how to choose a suitable air purifier for the winter?

Olansi people have the best air purifier buying guide to tell you how to choose the best air purifier for dust removal.

air purifier

air purifier

The best air purifier for dust on the market utilizes HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. Effective HEPA filters can remove up to 99.97% of airborne particles, helping you effectively control and reduce dust inside your home. Used fabric softener.

If you are looking to buy an air purifier, do not miss the following buying guide.

A few years ago we had to resign ourselves to accepting the conditions imposed on us by nature itself, which also controlled the atmosphere that reigned inside our houses.

We spend 90% of our time in closed spaces, so defying it and controlling the particles suspended inside these spaces is practically indispensable for people suffering from allergies and asthma.

The cleaners of the interior of the rooms of a home are the purifiers of air. They are a kind of robots, more or less autonomous, that connected to the electrical outlet are able to quantify and manipulateto the point of eliminating or eradicatingthe dirt of the environment that reigns in the room in which they are.

1.The importance of the capacity

When we buy an air purifier, we can see that one of its specifications is that of the cleaning capacity. It comes given in square or cubic meters, depending on the brand. This information indicates the maximum sizein surface or volume, respectivelyof the room to be cleaned so that the result is optimal; that is, unbeatable according to the characteristics of the purifier.


And here we come to one of the key points of this guide. It is what will determine how annoying an air purifier is, without any doubt.

One aspect to consider is whether we intend to have the purifier connected in our bedroom while we are sleeping. If we are very light of sleep we can have problems to keep us asleep, so it is very convenient to consider the opening hours.


The filter is like a motor to your car. It is what marks its quality, although up to the moment there is not a huge variety as happens with the motors of the automobiles. The filter par excellence of air purifiers is HEPA.

4.The Importance of Power

The power of a purifier is closely related to its capacity. The more power we have, the faster it will clean room air the size indicated by the specifications.

If the purifier is located in a larger room, the power will be a less relevant and ultimately later in accomplishing its task, this will not be to leave the perfect room, but to leave as clean as possible.

If the air purifier is instead placed inside a smaller room than the instructions dictate, the power can be reduced to perform the same work as in a larger room: clean the room thoroughly.

5.Suitable dimensions

What dimensions are appropriate?

With air, purifiers happen that as a rule, the larger they are, the more work capacity they usually have.

It is not a determinant factor to evaluate the quality of a purifier, but it is with regard to the decoration of our house and comfort of transfer.



Almost all models have built-in speeds of operation. They serve to regulate the speed with which we want our air purifier to act. We often meet with night mode, with turbo mode and intermediate mode. Of the intermediaries, we will say nothing because the name says it all.

7.Ionizing function

The ionising function is also present in almost all air purifiers, although there are some low-end ones that still do not have it. What it does is emanate negatively charged ions, which through chemical bonds are joined to positive particles generated by electromagnetic devices, normally the most harmful to our health.

8.Coal layer active

The active carbon layer is responsible for removing the odoriferous particles. The carbon of this filter is treated with oxygen, which causes the opening of many pores between its atoms. These pores, when releasing the molecules, exert of absorbent and are the cause that the odours, the gases and the liquid contaminants disappear of the environment.


9.Programming air purifier- The programming

Interestingly, not all devices have a function as a priori simple as programming in advance. To us, it seems like a most useful application when we have decided to sleep with the air purifier on, as well as when we want the environment to be clean when we get home from work.

10.AutonomyThe best of the best

This is the element that only the high-end purifiers have. It is tremendously comfortable because it allows the device to operate independently without having to worry about the bill of light

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier, hot sale air purifier, room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438



China Air Purifiers Market By Filter Type &Global market Forecast & Opportunities from 2017-2022

The global air purification systems market is fragmented and features intense competition among players. Jarden Corp., Sharp Corp., Panasonic Corp., Daikin Industries Ltd., Honeywell International Inc., and Philips NV, which are the six leading players, accounted for 45% of the market in 2015, states Transparency Market Research (TMR) in its new report. These leading players are ensuring their strong foothold in the industry by strategically locating their production and logistic assets. These players are also ensuring that they have a diverse product portfolio range so as to continue to reign in the competitive air purification systems market.

air purifier

air purifier

China air purifiers market is set to expand further due to increasing consumer awareness, rapid urbanization and surging pollution levels in the country. Increasing cases of respiratory diseases caused by various pollutants in the air, spiking emissions from automobiles and emergence of portable air purifiers are expected to boost demand for air purifiers in China over the course of next five years. Moreover, growing demand for air purifiers from commercial sector due to increasing incidences of bacterial infections and other communicable infections is anticipated to thrive China air purifiers market during forecast period.

Years considered for this report:

Historical Years: 2012 2015

Base Year: 2016

Estimated Year: 2017

Forecast Period: 2017 2022

Objective of the Study:

  • To analyze and forecast market size of China air purifiers, in terms of value and volume.
  • To define, classify and forecast China air purifiers market on the basis of filter types and end users.
  • To evaluate China air purifiers market by segmenting the country into six regions, namely, North China, East China, North-East China, South-Central China, North-West China and South-West China.
  • To analyze and forecast the market share, in terms of value, of air purifiers with respect to type of filters: HEPA + Activated Carbon, HEPA + Activated Carbon + Ion & Ozone, Ion & Ozone, HEPA, Electrostatic Precipitators, Activated Carbon, and Others.
  • To analyze and forecast the market share, in terms of value, of air purifiers in China with respect to end users: Commercial, Residential and Industrial.
  • To examine supply chain and evaluate pricing analysis in China air purifiers market.
  • To strategically profile the leading players in the market, which are involved in the supply of air purifiers in China.


China air purifiers market is controlled by these major players, namely, Philips (China) Investment Co., Ltd., Panasonic Ecology Systems Company Limited, Beijing Yadu Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Sharp Electronics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., Daikin (China) Investment Co., Ltd., LG Electronics (China) Co. Ltd., Honeywell (China) Co. Ltd., Blueair (Shanghai) Sales Co. Ltd., Austin Air China, ADA Electrotech (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., etc.

TechSci Research performed both primary as well as exhaustive secondary research for this study. Initially, TechSci Research sourced a list of air purifier manufacturers and suppliers operating in China. Subsequently, TechSci Research conducted primary research surveys with the identified companies. While interviewing, the respondents were also enquired about their competitors. Through this technique, TechSci Research was able to include the manufacturers which could not be identified due to the limitations of secondary research. TechSci Research analyzed the product offerings, end users and regional presence of all major air purifier suppliers operating in the country.

TechSci Research calculated the market size of China air purifiers using a bottom-up approach, where manufacturers’ value share data for standard filter types (HEPA + Activated Carbon, HEPA + Activated Carbon + Ion & Ozone, Ion & Ozone, HEPA, Electrostatic Precipitators, Activated Carbon and Others) was recorded and forecast for the future years. TechSci Research sourced these values from industry experts and company representatives and externally validated the same by analyzing historical sales data of respective manufacturers to arrive at the overall market size. Various secondary sources such as secondary source directories, databases such as National Bureau of Statistics of China, CRCC Asia, Organization Internationale des Constructeurs d’Automobiles” (OICA), Company Annual Reports, World Bank, Industry Magazines, Government databases, News Dailies, Credible Paid Databases, Proprietary Database, white papers and investor presentations were also used by TechSci Research.

Key Target Audience:

  • Activated Carbon, Electrostatic Precipitators, HEPA, Ion & Ozone, HEPA + Activated Carbon + Ion & Ozone, HEPA + Activated Carbon and other air purifier manufacturers and suppliers
  • Organizations, forums and alliances related to air purifiers
  • Government bodies such as regulating authorities and policy makers
  • Industry associations
  • Market research and consulting firms

The study is useful in providing answers to several critical questions that are important for the industry stakeholders such as air purifier manufacturers, distributors and dealers, customers and policy makers. The study would also aid stakeholders in identifying which market segments should be targeted over the coming years (next five years) in order to strategize investments and capitalize on the emerging opportunities.

Report Scope:

In this report, China air purifiers market has been segmented into the following categories, which have also been detailed below:

  • Market, By Filter Type:
    • HEPA + Activated Carbon
    • HEPA + Activated Carbon + Ion & Ozone
    • Ion & Ozone
    • HEPA
    • Electrostatic Precipitators
    • Activated Carbon
    • Other Air Purifiers
  • Market, By End User:
    • Commercial
    • Residential
    • Industrial
  • Market, By Geography:
    • North China
    • East China
    • North-East China
    • South-Central China
    • North-West China
    • South-West China

Competitive Landscape

Company Profiles: Detailed analysis of the major companies present in China air purifiers market.

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With the given market data, TechSci Research offers customizations according to the company’s specific needs. The following customization options are available for the report:

Channel Partner Analysis

  • Detailed list of distributors and dealers across all major countries.

Company Information

  • Detailed analysis and profiling of additional market players (up to five).

Guangdong Air Purifier Factory Tell You What You Need To Know About Air Purifiers

The air purifier is hot sale day by day as winter already came.

More and more family would like to buy an air purifier with humidifier.

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a guangdong air purifier factory.

air purifier

air purifier

Olansi people said below is the things you need to know about the air purifiers.

Air purifiers aid in the removal of air pollutants from the air. While there is no harm in everyone having the unit in his/her home or car, the unit comes in handy for people suffering from allergies and asthma. The units feature HEPA filters that aid in the cleaning and purification of air.

How they work

The units rely on different working models that vary depending on the type of air conditioner. HEPA air purifiers make use of a fan to pull air through the pleated filters and mechanically trap the particles. Experts recommend that you go for these units as they don’t produce ozone in their working.

Other units use the electronic technology to reverse the charge of particles in the air. After changing the units, they pass the charged particles back into your house. The particles settle on the floor, clothing, and even on the furnishing. To get rid of the allergens you only need to dust and vacuum the particle to prevent them from being reintroduced into the air.

Guide to buying an air purifier

For the unit you invest into work effectively, you need to buy the right one. There are plenty of factors to consider for you to buy the right one. Some of these factors include:

Reasons for buying the unit: Why are you buying the air conditioner? Just like other units, air purifiers are of different types and serve different functions. If you are suffering from allergies, go for units designed for allergy relief. These feature HEPA filters that allow them to be highly effective in their working. They get rid of a wide range of particles including: dust, pollen, mold pores, pet dander, dust mites, and ragweed. There are also asthma purifiers and chemical units for those that are allergic to certain chemicals.

The size of the unit: The right size of the unit to go for depends on the size of your house. You can tell the square footage of your house by measuring its length and width and then multiplying the size by 2. Once you are done, do your research and find a unit that will be ideal for the size of your room.


This is what you need to know about air purifiers. Once you buy the units, you need to take good care of them, for them to last for a long time and also give you ideal results. Some of the things you need to do is to regularly clean them. You also should fix them as soon as you notice a problem with them.

At olansi we have all the healthy units you can go for. We have china air purifier, filters and many others. Visit olansi healthcare co ltd’s website to know more.

About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier, hot sale air purifier, room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438



The Benefits of Olansi Air Purifiers From Guangzhou China Manufacturer

The Benefits of Olansi Air Purifiers

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional china air purifier manufacturer since from 2009.

air purifier

air purifier

Olansi Air purifiers are a practical addition to the home or office environment to eliminate airborne toxic substances or particles that can have a negative impact on the health. They are particularly useful to people who suffer the most from allergies or asthma. Also, they are great in any home with a smoker because it is very effective at clearing secondhand smoke.

Here are six of the most effective reasons to use the Olansi air purifiers:

Great air circulation

A room with poor air circulation can soon start to feel quite unpleasant and stuffy. Most of the air purifiers have the ability to completely circulate the air in a particular room five or six times per hour. However, the air delivery rating (ADR) can vary with the different unit and some may be more or less efficient than this.

Removes air pollutants

The most basic use of the air purifiers is to remove everyday air pollutants. Pollen, fungi, bacteria, plant spores, dust mite allergens and pet allergens are just a few of the most common pollutants in a typical home living environment.

A popular type is the High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter which is built to rid the air of particles at 0.3 microns or above and up to 99.6% of everyday pollutants.

Clear pesky insects

The air purifiers are a great tool to remove pesky flying insects and other little creatures that can enter the home. This is certain to be a great benefit in the warmer months when the doors and windows are left open in the evenings. Also, it eliminates to need to use toxic sprays.

Eliminates germs

Many of the latest air purifiers have germicidal filters built-in which are highly effective at clearing the home of the most common germs, mold and fungi.

Odor removal

The most versatile models are built with carbon filters to help eliminate odors in the home to leave the local surroundings smelling fresh and clean. This feature is likely to benefit the homes with an open kitchen or homes with smokers.

Improve mood

Many people believe that with clean air to breathe, the mood is improved with less agitation and more able to control the temper.

Also, when you are less agitated, the cortisol levels in the body will start to reduce which is appreciated for leaving you feeling more relaxed, calmer and less stressed. A great positive of this is the ability to be more productive in your day-to-day activities.


About Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Established in 2009, located in Guangzhou City in South China, Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional hydrogen water maker and air purifier OEM manufacturer. The products of the company contain pm2.5 air purifier, home air purifier, HEPA air purifier, ionizer air purifier, hot sale air purifier, room air purifier,hydrogen water machine and so on. All OEM air purifiers are manufactured in accordance with the CE, ROSH, and CB Certification.

For Media Enquiry –

Contact Person: Daniel Yuan

Telephone: 86-20-86000438



HEPA Filter Type and Electrical Power Source Air Purifier China Inquiry From Kazakhstan

Air purifier’s hotsale season is coming as the winter is coming.

Each winter season,because the bad air pollution with big wind,so many and many family will consider to purchase an air purifier for home use.

An air purifier or air cleaner is a device which removes contaminants from the air in a room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand tobacco smoke. The commercially graded air purifiers are manufactured as either small stand-alone units or larger units that can be affixed to an air handler unit (AHU) or to an HVAC unit found in the medical, industrial, and commercial industries. Air purifiers may also be used in industry to remove impurities such as CO2 from air before processing. Pressure swing adsorbers or other adsorption techniques are typically used for this.

Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd is a professional china air purifier manufacturer which is mainly doing OEM&ODM job for worldwide customers.

air purifier

air purifier

And this morning,olansi have received an inquiry from a Kazakhstan customer.The title of inquiry is HEPA Filter Type and Electrical Power Source Air Purifier China Inquiry.

The detail of inquiry as below:

Good day. My name is Assem, i work in company from Kazakhstan.

We are intrested in your products
especially this one Iguassu Waterfall Air , i am also interested in your air purifier ionizer adjustable portable green hot 2013 product, i need more information: minimum price which you can offer? i looking forward to your reply. with respect, zohar palfi
Would you please send me your price list for this product and is it possible to buy samples in quantity of 4 -5 pcs?

Product spec as below:

Power Source:Electrical
Type: 3 in 1
Certification:Air Purifier
Capacity (CFM):10
Power (W):3
Voltage (V):5
Model:KQ-08 Hepa Filter Air Purifier
Size:7.5*7.5*16.5 cm
Power sourcing:USB charger
Shape:Cup shape
Name:Air Purifier
Control type:Key touch
Usage:car / home /office / hotel
Shipping Address
26 Stoneledge Circle, Brampton. L6R 1J7

Best regards


As a professional air purifier manufacturer in china,once we received this inquiry,our sales people give a quick reply as below:

Dear Assem,

How are you ? This is Tina from Olansi.I would like to share our company to you !

Our company is specialized in producing Hydrogen water maker,water purifier, water dispenser, air purifier factory since 2005.;We have our own R&D department and labs, production and sales. 450+ employee with 9 production line and daily capacity 6000pcs.ISO9001 certified.

Pls kindly check the attachment for products catalog

air purifier

air purifier

Any products you are interested in please let us know your ideas,wait for your early reply,thanks.



Best Regards,


Whatsapp/Wechat:+86 135 3171 9692



Guangzhou Olansi Healthcare Co., Ltd

Guangzhou Olans Water Treatment Equipements Co., Ltd

Add: F/ 4, Building C1, Gaosha Industrial District, Zhongcun, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R.China