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Home Air Purifier: How do Air Purifiers Work?

An air purifier is a product that cleans and rids the air of contaminants. Some claim removal of up to 99.9% of particles in the air of a home or business. They are commonly marketed for being beneficial to sufferers of asthma and allergies. Being able to reduce and even eliminate second-hand smoke is another attractive feature for many users.

Commercial grade purifiers are made as either small units that stand alone or larger units that are able to be attached to an AHU (air handler unit) or an HVAC unit that can be found in industrial, medical and commercial industries.

Home air purifiers can be used for an entire home or an individual room. Air purifiers are made in many different sizes and types with the most common being the HEPA filter. Most users of air purifiers purchase them to improve the air quality within their home or business.

Types of air purifiers

  1. HEPA Filters. The HEPA filter uses a cloth filter that is able to trap 99.9% of particles that are .3 microns or larger and a fan to circulate air throughout the machine. HEPA filters are effective in retrieving nearly any harmful particle that is found in the air. The replaceable filter can last many years depending on the air quality of the room the filter is in. A HEPA filter is a very effective unit but is one that uses a lot of energy
  2. Ozone purifiers. Ozone is a reactive oxidant that can destroy some chemicals and bacteria. When it reacts with some substances in the air, those substances are broken down into materials that are pollutants. An Ozone purifier fights those pollutants. It is also very effective in fighting odors but does not work against allergens or most chemicals.
  3. Carbon air purifiers. This type of air purifier is very effective in capturing particular particles, including gas, smoke, and odor. It is also the most absorbent filter sold on the market. A carbon air filter contains small pores that are very absorbent and chemically react to particles as they pass through and the odors and particles attach to the carbon. This particular air purifier does not work against allergens or micro-organisms.
  4. Ionic air purifiers. This type of purifier works by ‘ionizing’ air, causing particles to gain either a positive or negative charge. The ionic air purifier has a collection of plates that contain an opposite charge from the air particles; therefore, the particles are attracted to the plates. The charged particles will attract other particles with the opposite charge to them. An ionic air purifier is able to remove very fine particles in the air, even from several feet away, but it does not work on odors or kill germs.
  5. Ultraviolet light air purifiers. The Ultraviolet light air purifier sterilizes micro-organisms as they pass through, including viruses, germs, bacteria and mold. After they are treated with the ultraviolet light, the micro-organisms are no longer able to reproduce and grow. Ultraviolet light air purifiers do not work against smoke, odors, allergens or chemicals.

Choosing the right type of air purifier can be challenging, but by understanding their main differences, an educated choice can be made based on someone’s specific needs.

Olansi K15C3 Air Purifier

Olansi K15C3 Air Purifier

The following are features to consider when purchasing the proper unit:

  1. Performance. Look for a unit that removes a high amount of particles from the air, including smaller-sized pieces.
  2. Air volume capacity. Choose a unit that is recommend for your size room. This is usually expressed as square feet.
  3. Particular health concerns. Consider what substances you want to be removed from the air: smoke, germs, bacteria, etc.
  4. Manufacturer. Choose a purifier that has a reputable manufacturer. The Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers is a great source.
  5. Indoor factors. If there is a particular pollutant affecting your health, look for a unit that works best at eliminating it.
  6. Cost of operating. Replacement filters do cost so make sure to look at the replacement interval and the cost of filters.
  7. Quality of construction. Make sure the warranty covers the internal parts of the unit.
  8. Ease of use. Make sure the unit is easy to operate, clean and change the filter
  9. Noise while operating. Is the unit considered ‘whisper quiet’? You can request its operating noise values before you make a purchase. Quieter units are around 35 decibels.
  10. Warranty. Look for a long-term and comprehensive warranty

For an existing home and central air system, the easiest and most affordable method is an air purifier that is designed for only one room and used in that targeted room. A room air purifier works more efficiently and is more cost effective when a purifier is needed for only one room. An effective unit for a room can cost less than $300 and provides good results.

As an alternative, a whole house purifier can be purchased, but may cost thousands of dollars, depending on the installation and electrical needs of the unit.

Commercial air purifiers work by removing harmful contaminants that are circulating in the air. They are used worldwide to improve hygienic environments, remove odors, gases, smoke and other types of indoor air pollution. Commercial air purifiers are used today in schools, offices, hospitals, bars, restaurants, food plants, factories and farms.

For more info about the air purifier,you can pay a visit to olansi air purifier at

How an Air Purifier Relieves Your Allergies

How an Air Purifier Relieves Your Allergies

Have you ever considered an air purifier for your allergies? Does your head feel like it’s in a vice grip, are your eyes are watering, is your nose running and your throat itching? Are you desperate to feel like yourself again? It may be time to consider an air purifier.

Olansi K15A Air Purifier

Olansi K15A Air Purifier

Why use an air purifier for allergies?

Using an air purifier offers long-term relief, one that can also lower the cost of managing your allergies. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 13.1 million doctor visits a year are due to allergies. Common triggers for allergies are dust, molds, pets, and seasonal triggers like pollen.

An allergy is simply your body’s overreaction to a foreign substance. An air purifier can greatly reduce the amount of allergens inside your home by tackling the problem at the source.


Air Purifier for Spring Allergies

With the peak of the spring allergy season fast approaching, millions of Americans are keeping their tissue boxes close by. The budding trees and blooming flowers associated with the early return of spring mark an increase in itchy, watery eyes, sneezing and other allergy symptoms.


Seasonal allergic rhinitis, orhay fever,” affects more than 20 percent of the people living in the United States, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Allergies are triggered by substances called allergens, such as pollen or mold spores. Many trees, grasses and weeds contain small and light pollens that are easily carried by the wind, causing allergy symptoms to flare up in the spring.

Tips for allergy sufferers to find relief during allergy season

  • Do a thorough spring cleaningwindows, book shelves and air conditioning vents collect dust and mold throughout the winter that can provoke allergy symptoms.
  • Use a new filter in your air purifier. If you run your air purifier constantly, monitor your filter for build up.
  • Shower and wash your hair before bedpollen can collect on your hair and skin.
  • Keep pets off of furniture and out of the bedroom. Pollen can cling to the dog or cat after being outside.
  • Keep car windows closed during peak season. Use air conditioning and point vents away from face.
  • When mowing lawn or gardening, wear a filter mask.

Outdoor Air Purifier Makes Your Wait for the Bus 40% Less Smoggy

China’s campaign to wipe out air pollution reduced the levels of dangerous particulate matter in the air by 11 percent last year, according to the Ministry of Environment. But the country still has a long way to go before the air its citizens breathe every day can be considered healthy. Only eight out of the 74 cities surveyed met basic national air quality standards.


In the meantime, public awareness is rising. Pollution masks are hot commodities and startups making new models for indoor air purifiers are driving prices down. Now, a new invention currently being tested in Hong Kong claims it can reduce air pollution in an open outdoor space by an average of 40 percent (h/t to Techweb).

Under the prototype of the patent-pending system, air is drawn into the system from the inlet located at bottom. The air current then passes through a bag filter, which is effective in removing fine suspended particles (PM10 and PM2.5), before coming out through the Louvre overhead.

Hong Kong has been testing 2 meter-by-3 meter purification station on one of its busiest streets, queen’s Road East in Causeway Bay, since March. Sino Green tells Tech in Asia one unit costs HKD 600,000 (US$77,400 million). (Update: an earlier version of this story referenced the Techweb article that said the project cost US$10 million to develop. Sino Green has informed us that figure is not accurate.)

Air quality at the station can be monitored remotely. Further planned enhancements include smart controllers to manage operating hours more efficiently, solar panels for energy, and a mist cooling system for summer months.

Techweb says the City Air Purification System will be tested at Beijing’s Tsinghua University next. If all goes as expected, it could expand to other mainland cities in the future.

Home air purifier told you How Germs Can be Good for You

Chances are you have at least one or all of these products in your home. What better way to make sure you and your family stay healthy, avoid germs, and prevent illness?

But what if germs could actually prevent your children from getting sick or acquiring chronic problems including allergies and asthma?

Old Theory: Hygiene Hypothesis

Olansi K06A Air Purifier

Olansi K06A Air Purifier

While it might seem counter-intuitive, a number of studies have shown that early exposure to germs may lead to reduced allergies and asthma in children. A number of studies suggested this connection, including ones that found a lower rate of allergies among children growing up on farms, and lower rates of hay fever among children with larger families. Both these studies suggest that something about a less hygienic environment lead to a lower rate of allergies.

For many years, this hygiene hypothesis proposed that we were making our environments too clean. And it seems that as cleanliness and hyper-sanitation rose, so did the rate of allergies in the population. By some estimates, the prevalence of allergies, asthma, and respiratory infections in the population has more than tripled.

Germs and the Immune System

To understand how germs may prevent allergies and asthma, we need to understand what germs are and how immune systems are built. Germs are microscopic entities that cause disease and include bacteria and viruses. They enter the body through the nose, the mouth, or cuts, and find the optimal environment to start reproducing. Our immune systems keep germs in check and prevent them from taking over our bodies.

The immune system works by sending out scouts that recognize the germs, mark them, and then destroy them. In the process, your body may break out in a fever, create mucus, and cause you cough and sneeze in order to stop the infection, kill the germs, and clear your body. (Allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to non-harmful triggers such as pollen.)

After fighting off an infection, the immune system remembers the particular strain of bacteria or virus, which can help it respond even faster if the body is infected again. But infants cannot rely on their immune systems like we can.

When children are born, their immune systems are not fully formed. For the first few months of life, an infant will rely on his mothers to pass along antibodies through breast milk and give his immune system a helping hand. As he grows, exposure to germs helps his immune systems learn, adapt, and become stronger. Each infection means giving the system a new tool against future infections. So being too clean is not a good thing.

New Theory: Old Friends Hypothesis

The old hygiene hypothesis suggested that we were making our environments too clean, and that our immune systems need to be stressed by disease. But it seems that this picture was too simple. A new study published just this month supports a different idea: the Old Friends hypothesis.

This hypothesis suggests that as humans evolved, the immune system grew dependent on exposure to common microbes (“old friends”) in order to grow. In contrast to dangerous microbes such as flu, polio, or smallpox, these helpful microbes taught the immune system how to function in order to eliminate harmful infections. But an immune system that doesn’t learn how to identify and fight infections is left unable to properly deal with allergens as well.

The study shows that it may not be clean environments that we have worry about, but our entire environment indoors and outdoors, which has slowly changed over the last few decades to be less conducive to beneficial microbes. Lifestyle changes—such as spending more time indoors—also limit our exposure to helpful bacteria outside while increasing our exposure to allergens inside, which accumulate in buildings due to well-sealed doors and windows.

How Germs Can be Good for You
So what can you do to ensure your children grow up happy and healthy?

For one, let children play outside in green spaces that have limited exposure to pollutants. Don’t be afraid of dirt and germs, but continue to maintain sanitary habits that can reduce the spread of harmful diseases like influenza. Also, make sure to vaccinate your children against deadly diseases such as measles and polio.

And remember that when the immune system successfully fights off disease, especially in young children, it grows stronger! Don’t focus on being too clean.

At Guangzhou Olansi, we’re well aware of the detrimental effects of air pollutants on our health, especially fine particulates.

In order to help curb those negative side effects of being exposed to unfit air quality, we’ve done extensive research on high-grade filtration and in turn, provide our buyers with the best air purifier filters in the world.

Our doctor-approved Home Air Purifiers offer True HEPA filtration that removes 99.97% of the tiniest of particles from the air – limiting most harmful particles over 0.3 microns, while several competitors only remove less harmful particles.

If you live in areas with poor air quality levels or high frequencies of airborne allergens, consider a doctor-approved Olansi Air Purifier and limit the chances of stroke or other health issues for you and your family.

Home air purifier hope you Have a Happy (and Healthy) Halloween!

Tonight the streets fill with little superheroes, mini-monsters, and petite princesses. But how can you ensure an evening of trick-or-treating doesn’t take a toll on your child’s health without becoming the Halloween Grinch?

Olansi K15C3 Air Purifier

Olansi K15C3 Air Purifier

These Halloween tips from the FDA can help you and your children stay safe and healthy when they go out:

  1. Make sure children are accompanied by an adult and stick to the sidewalk.
  2. Send children out on a full stomach so they won’t feel tempted to sneak candy.Discourage children from snacking untilthey get home.
  3. Once they get home, remove any choking hazards for small children.
  4. Teach older children to how to sort their candy by discarding anything that isn’t properly wrapped (including homemade treats).
  5. Examine all candy for any signs of tampering.

(And if you’re expecting tykes to come trick-or-treating to your house, make sure to keep the walkways and stairs clear and lit. Place candles and lit carved pumpkins out of reach and away from anything flammable.)

After you’ve sorted and thrown away suspicious candy, now comes the hard part. Taking the candy away. First, look at Halloween as a good opportunity to teach children about moderating and controlling their own diet. Make sure they understand why they need to limit the amount of candy they eat. In this recent New York Times editorial, a mother describes her struggle with teaching her kids about moderation, especially since they have a genetic predisposition for diabetes.

Like this mom, parents may find some help in the Sugar Sprite (cousin to the Tooth Fairy). A fanciful magical creature, the Sugar Sprite visits children on Halloween night, and then leaves money or toys in exchange for candy under pillows. The candy can then be put to better use through programs such asOperation Shoebox, which sends care packages to troops overseas. You can also drop off candy with workers at shelters or charities as a thank-you treat.

Other ways to limit Halloween candy binging include saving the candy for a later date by freezing the chocolate and storing other candies in airtight containers. Crumbled chocolate bars can be used in baked goods instead of chocolate chips. And you can also use the saved candy a few weeks down the road when it comes time to make Christmas decorations such as tree ornaments or gingerbread houses.

Home air purifier hopefully these safety tips and candy ideas will leave you and your little monsters with a happy and healthy Halloween!

Home air purifier:wear it proudly to show your support for men’s health

Whatever your style of mustache, wear it proudly to show your support for men’s health during Movember!

During the month of Movember, men (“Mo Bros”) all over the world put away their razors and grow suave ‘staches to “change the face of men’s health.” Similar to the pink ribbon worn during October for breast cancer awareness, the stylish mustaches sported by Mo Bros provide a reminder of the importance of men’s health and help raise funds for cancer organizations.

Supported by the women in their lives (“Mo Sistas,” who often participate by wearing stick-on mustaches), men can pledge their commitment online and donate to several participating men’s health organizations, including the Prostate Cancer Foundation. Donors are automatically entered to win prizes, depending on the amount they raise.

Movember had its beginnings in Melbourne, Australia in 2003 with only 30 participants. The name comes from the slang “Mo” for mustache. Since then, over 1.9 million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas have registered and raised nearly $300 million dollars for cancer organizations and men’s health programs around the globe.

In addition to monetary support, Movember provides an easy way for men (and women) to raise awareness about often overlooked health issues, including prostate cancer and testicular cancer. Mustaches, in addition to being sophisticated and alluring, provide excellent conversation starters among family, friends, and even strangers! (And unlike the pink ribbon, Mo Bros don’t have to remember to pin it on every day.)

Olansi K02B Air Purifier

Olansi K02B Air Purifier

The rules, from the official Movember site:

  1. Once registered at, each Mo Bro must begin the 1st of Movember with a clean shaven face.
  2. For the entire month of Movember, each Mo Bro must grow and groom a mustache.
  3. There is to be no joining of the Mo to your side burns (that’s considered a beard).
  4. There is to be no joining of the handlebars to your chin (that’s considered a goatee).
  5. Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true country gentleman.

If you or someone you know is planning to participate, make sure to refer to this handy style guidewhen shaping the stache. And even if you don’t participate, don’t forget to remind the men in your life to get regular screenings and take care of their health!

During Movember,you can buy a good home air purifier for your family’s mens.

Guangzhou Olansi air purifier is your best choise for it.

traffic-related pollution may be causing asthma

As cities grow larger and larger, so does the number of cars, motorcycles, and trucks jamming up our roadways. To anyone who’s been stuck in traffic behind an 18-wheeler spewing black smoke, it is no surprise that pollution from vehicles can irritate the nose and lungs. For people with asthma or other respiratory system diseases, the particles emitted by vehicles can lead to trouble breathing, trigger attacks, and cause serious complications such as bronchitis. Is traffic causing child asthma?

Most of us know to keep the car windows rolled up and not to breathe in smoggy air on the highway. But for people living near major roadways, keeping the windows and doors of their homes shut may not be enough to stop the effects of pollution. Because modern homes are built to be energy-efficient, they are also more efficient at trapping pollution particles inside the home. And as most people spend 90% of their time indoors, living near a major roadway can have dire health consequences.

Olansi K06C Air Purifier

Olansi K06C Air Purifier

And it’s not just current asthma sufferers that need to be cautious.

A new report from the University of Southern California suggests that traffic-related pollution may be causing asthma in otherwise healthy children. Areas within 250 feet of a busy roadway had an increased number of children with serious complications due to asthma, including hospitalizations. The study’s authors estimated that at least 8% of childhood asthma cases were due to living near busy roadways.

While reducing the number of children exposed is a priority, unfortunately, many people cannot afford to move elsewhere. Nationwide, around 17% of all households are located within 300 feet of a highway. So what can we do to keep the harmful effects of pollution from causing illness?

Thankfully, small changes in the local environment can mean big impacts on health:

  • Surrounding homes with grass and trees can reduce traffic-related pollution in the air.
  • Using home air purifier inside homes and schools can reduce pollution particles found indoors.
  • Designating land near busy roadways for commercial development instead of residential can encourage builders to keep homes a safe distance away from traffic pollution.
  • Encouraging more people to take buses, carpool, bike, or walk can reduce the overall pollution in the air.


Fall is in full-swing, but along with cooler weather and lovely leaves comes itchy eyes, runny noses, and serial sneezes. Ragweed allergy season has arrived. To help you feel better we offer insights to help you not suffer fall allergies.

For the 0-20% of Americans who are allergic to weeds, fall allergies can make them miserable, leading to missed days of work and school. For ragweed allergies, the longer you are exposed, the worse they get.

But say you do everything you can to avoid fall allergies from getting you down—you take your medicine every day, you avoid the outdoors, and you filter the air in your home. But you still have watery eyes and your throat itches.

Just avoiding pollen may not be enough, because pollen may only be half the problem.

Nearly half of all allergy sufferers also have a cross-reaction to certain foods. It’s called Oral Allergy Syndrome (OAS) or food-pollen syndrome.

The reason certain foods cross-react with pollen allergies is because some proteins in food look very similar to pollen and can trick the immune system.

Olansi K07 Air Purifier

Olansi K07 Air Purifier


For example, people with ragweed allergies may find themselves experiencing similar symptoms after eating cucumbers, bananas, or melons. Even herbal teas or certain spices could trigger fall allergies, although that’s rarer. This helpful chart shows what foods to avoid if you have tree or grass allergies.

One way to avoid suffering without having to give up your favorite foods is to cook or bake the foods. Heat can denature proteins, meaning the protein loses its shape, preventing the immune system from recognizing it as a harmful allergen. If you’d rather not cook them all the way, microwaving the food for 30 seconds may be enough to destroy the cross-reactive proteins. Also, with mild allergies, simply peeling the fruit may be enough, since many of these proteins are found in the skin.

At Guangzhou Olansi, we’re well aware of the detrimental effects of air pollutants on our health, especially fine particulates.

In order to help curb those negative side effects of being exposed to unfit air quality, we’ve done extensive research on high-grade filtration and in turn, provide our buyers with the best air purifier filters in the world.

Our doctor-approved Home Air Purifiers offer True HEPA filtration that removes 99.97% of the tiniest of particles from the air – limiting most harmful particles over 0.3 microns, while several competitors only remove less harmful particles.

If you live in areas with poor air quality levels or high frequencies of airborne allergens, consider a doctor-approved Olansi Air Purifier and limit the chances of stroke or other health issues for you and your family.

Italian man’s portable air purifier bedazzles onlookers

Deal with it. That’s the typical mentality most of the Chinese people have every time the air pollution gets worse.

But this Italian young man was apparently not happy about the status quo.

On Wednesday, he was spotted carrying a self-made air purifier, while riding on a bike in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

According to the man, who called himself Mike, it cost him about 1,500 yuan($245) to build the device, using a home air purifier and attaching an oxygen mask to it.

Olans air purifier OLS-K04 1


Moreover, he also installed a storage battery and inverter as power supply.

According to experts, it’s possible to convert room air cleaners into portable air purifiers.

However, even if it’s technically possible to do so, experts say it is quite unlikely to achieve the same effectiveness in air filtering as a good breathing mask can do.

And even in developed countries, where the air quality is much better, an air cleaner needs to exchange the air in a room seven to eight times every hour, in order to maintain desired indoor air quality.