What are the best air purifiers?

Buying one of the best air purifiers and putting it in your house, apartment or other dwelling will filter out many dangerous airborne particles. That’s especially true if you suffer from allergies, have pets who shed, live with a smoker or simply want to breathe better.

The best air purifiers even offer protection against particles carrying the COVID-19 coronavirus, Consumer Reports recently found. That may be why stores seem to be often running out of stock as the coronavirus crisis persists. If the model you like below isn’t available, it might be worth checking back in another week.

No device can completely eliminate air pollutants or be a substitute for clean outdoor air, says the Environmental Protection Agency, but the best air purifiers may indeed improve respiratory health.

That will be especially true if you suffer from pre-existing conditions such as asthma or from chronic allergies. Air purifiers with HEPA orHEPA-likefilters will trap most airborne particles, including pet dander and pollen.

Airborne droplets expelled from the mouth or nose of someone infected with COVID-19 can also be removed from the air, although the rate at which the air is cleaned depends on the specific model.

Some air purifiers have pre-filters to trap larger pet hairs before they get to the main filter. Others use electrostatic attraction to trap very small particles or ultraviolet lights to kill bacteria and mold. And some use charcoal or carbon filters to trap petroleum-based gases.

What are the best air purifiers?
Our research examined 30-plus brands and dozens of customer and expert reviews, and we’ve come up with the top air purifiers for your home or office.

Our top pick is the K15 Model with 800CADR.

The best-looking air purifier is the K08 Model wih humidifier.

For tight budgets, we recommend the A3C Model for standard bedroom

Olansi A3C Air Purifier
Welcome contact Joanna Lin
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Email: sales01@olansgz.com
Skype: Olans-Joanna

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