Benefits of air purifiers for pets

Our pets are also part of the family, so it would not be fair if we left without mentioning all the benefits that an air purifier will bring to your dog, cat, fish or the species of animal that you have as a pet.

First of all, let’s talk about smells. It is obvious that the more pets you have and the bigger they are; odors can become a bit of an annoying factor for us.

However, the sense of smell of animals is much more developed than ours. And we, to get rid of or combat odors; We tend to use deodorant or air freshener spray products.

These products are loaded with extremely strong chemicals that harm us; But we cannot ignore how bad our pets have it when we use them.

The strong smell they have, in combination with the chemicals; they are able to completely distort the sense of smell of our dog or our cat. This will end up damaging your sense of taste as well; so, without realizing it, we could deprive them of the pleasure of tasting the food we give them.

To make matters worse, these aerosol products are practically poisons for fish. If instead of oxygen, our fish receive the particles of these products in their water; they will surely die from poisoning.

Air purifiers eliminate odors. By getting rid of non-oxygen particles; all smells disappear from the environment.

Olansi K15B Air Purifier

Olansi K15B Air Purifier

Not only those of our animals, but those of the kitchen, the cigarette or the alcohol. Any stench is destroyed by air purifiers within minutes of turning it on.

Air purifier for our birds

Infections among birds not only occur extremely fast, but are often fatal. A whole generation of parakeets can easily die if one of them becomes ill.

Worst of all, the chances of them getting it are so high; because we have them in captivity and because they are too sociable. Especially if it is a pair of parakeets.

In this sense, air purifiers can save our birdslives. And beyond our birds; to all our pets. If you are like us and you have more than one kind of animal at home; You will know that the risk ofstrangediseases increases.

Dogs with bird flu or sick fish from cat dander who spend all day sniffing around the fish tank. All this can be avoided with an air purifier that traps those microbes in the air in time before they reach our pets.

How does ozone affect your pets and their senses?

We had previously mentioned how the sprays we use to “clean the air” can negatively affect our petssenses; especially those that use their sense of smell more than any other sense.

However, in the case of ozone, how does it really affect them? Well, at the health level; Air purifiers are the most recommended in the recovery rooms of veterinary clinics.

The transmission of bacteria through the air when there are diseases such as distemper or hypersensitivity in smell due to injury; it can easily be counteracted the moment an air purification kicks in and removes all particles.

It is in itself, a healthy, revitalizing experience that guarantees that the recovery of sick animals occurs effectively. So if you have a sensitive pet or one with a weak immune system; an air purifier will make your life easier.

Olansi K08C Air Purifier

Olansi K08C Air Purifier

For more about air purifier,you can pay a visit to olansi air purifier at

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